
Friday, March 20, 2009

32 weeks~

32 weeks! Only 8 left give or take! (around 55 days! That's so soon!

Still feeling very tired and having lots of swelling in my feet and ankles.

Tomorrow we go to our 3rd 3d Ultrasound appointment. Hopefully Miss Claire will show us her precious face! I can't wait to see her.

Cravings: Pineapples, Milk, Strawberries and Peanut Butter Sandwiches

Symptoms: Major major fatigue; all I want to do is sleep and sleep some more. Backaches, pelvic pain, thirstiness, hunger, frequent peeing, some headaches and clogged nose. Oh ya, I've been lazy due to the fatigue, I feel so bad, I don't feel like cooking or cleaning since I just want to take a bath to relax and then sleep.

*You might notice she's not moving around as much now. Don't worry! She is fine -- just running short on room. She still has plenty of growing to do though, believe it or not!
*All five senses are working. Your little one is fascinated and practicing testing these out as much as possible!
*Toenails are completely formed.
*Hair on your infant's head continues to grow in. Will she have dad's black hair or your red hair?
*Brain scans have shown that babies have periods of dream sleep (REM) starting around the eight month. What do you suppose your daughter is dreaming about?
*Your baby is up to 3.75 pounds (1702gm) now and is 16.7 inches (42.4cm) long.

Your baby is taking up more and more space in your uterus and weighs as much as a large jicama -- about 3 3/4 pounds. (Length: about 16 3/4 inches, head to heel.)

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