Friday, January 30, 2009
I'm 25wks so only only 15wks left give or take! Time is sure flying by!
Symptoms: Pineapple cravings, at night i'm a bottomless pit, usually always hot, fatigue, right eye keeps twitching, occasional braxton hicks, still feeling her move usually early in the AM or late in the PM or after eating/drinking something she likes/dislikes can't tell which yet, heartburn, horrible leg cramps and major nesting instincts only getting stronger I am dying to buy baby items, i.e. furniture, decor, etc.
I go on the hospital tour soon and need to get the 3d or 4d ultrasound scheduled but have to wait to see when Cory is going to be back in town.
Claire is about the size of a rutabaga this week.

Your baby rivals the average rutabaga in weight -- about 1 1/2 pounds. (Length: 13 1/2 inches, head to heel.)
Week 25

* The structures of the spine begin to form -- joints, ligaments and rings. These will protect the all important spinal cord which serves as the information transmitter for your child's body.
* Blood vessels of the lungs develop.
* Your baby's nostrils begin to open. There is a study out of Belfast that suggests babies at this stage have the capability of scent preferences!
* The nerves around the mouth and lip area are showing more sensitivity now. When baby is rooting for food later on, these will be valuable!
* Her swallowing reflexes are developing.
* Dexterity is improving. Your baby can make a fist and would clasp objects placed in palm.
* Your child has now obtained an approximate length of 13.6 inches (34.6cm) and weighs 1.46 pound (660gm).
Symptoms: Pineapple cravings, at night i'm a bottomless pit, usually always hot, fatigue, right eye keeps twitching, occasional braxton hicks, still feeling her move usually early in the AM or late in the PM or after eating/drinking something she likes/dislikes can't tell which yet, heartburn, horrible leg cramps and major nesting instincts only getting stronger I am dying to buy baby items, i.e. furniture, decor, etc.
I go on the hospital tour soon and need to get the 3d or 4d ultrasound scheduled but have to wait to see when Cory is going to be back in town.
Claire is about the size of a rutabaga this week.

Your baby rivals the average rutabaga in weight -- about 1 1/2 pounds. (Length: 13 1/2 inches, head to heel.)
Week 25

* The structures of the spine begin to form -- joints, ligaments and rings. These will protect the all important spinal cord which serves as the information transmitter for your child's body.
* Blood vessels of the lungs develop.
* Your baby's nostrils begin to open. There is a study out of Belfast that suggests babies at this stage have the capability of scent preferences!
* The nerves around the mouth and lip area are showing more sensitivity now. When baby is rooting for food later on, these will be valuable!
* Her swallowing reflexes are developing.
* Dexterity is improving. Your baby can make a fist and would clasp objects placed in palm.
* Your child has now obtained an approximate length of 13.6 inches (34.6cm) and weighs 1.46 pound (660gm).
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Back from the dr
I'm back from the dr and had my 24wk check up. I am currently 24wks and 4 days! Claire's heartbeat is 146 beats per min. Dr did another ultrasound upon Cory's request to make sure we are still having a girl. LOL! Which we are. So on w/the pink! I had to do my 1hr glucose test and blood work because she thinks i may be anemic. Should have those results tomorrow.
She tells me at the end of my appt i will see you in 4wks then after that every 2wks. I guess i had a blank look on my face. She was like congrats your almost to the 3rd trimester. Wow this has gone by too fast!
Just wanted update everyone!
She tells me at the end of my appt i will see you in 4wks then after that every 2wks. I guess i had a blank look on my face. She was like congrats your almost to the 3rd trimester. Wow this has gone by too fast!
Just wanted update everyone!
Friday, January 23, 2009
24wks ~ 6months! I can't believe it! Only 3 more months to go!
Claire is about the length of an ear of corn this week.

Your baby has caught up with an ear of corn in size and gained about 1/4 pound since last week. (Length: almost a foot.)

* Bring on the bulk! Baby gains about 6 ounces this week. The weight is in muscle, bone mass and organs.
* Her body begins to fill out with his appearance increasingly becoming more like a newborn. (Over the next three months your baby will have the biggest weight gain)
* Her skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon
* The brain is very active now and is regulating all other body functions.
* Brain waves are beginning to activate the auditory and visual systems, causing the baby’s mouth and lips to become sensitive.
* Eyes will respond to light and the ears are reactive to sounds from outside of the uterus.
* Your baby may be able to tell when they are upside down now because their inner ear is completely developed.
* Taste buds begin to form. If mom drinks something strange or bitter, baby may be observed showing his distaste.
* Little creases have appeared on his palms. The muscular coordination of his hands has improved as he sucks his thumb.
* Over the next seven days the sweat glands will be forming in the skin.
* His lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" and cells that produce surfactant, a substance that helps the air sacs inflate easily.
* This week your baby is officially considered viable.
* Baby weighs 1.3 pound (600gm) and is 11.8 inches (30cm) long -- almost the length of a ruler!
Claire is about the length of an ear of corn this week.

Your baby has caught up with an ear of corn in size and gained about 1/4 pound since last week. (Length: almost a foot.)

* Bring on the bulk! Baby gains about 6 ounces this week. The weight is in muscle, bone mass and organs.
* Her body begins to fill out with his appearance increasingly becoming more like a newborn. (Over the next three months your baby will have the biggest weight gain)
* Her skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon
* The brain is very active now and is regulating all other body functions.
* Brain waves are beginning to activate the auditory and visual systems, causing the baby’s mouth and lips to become sensitive.
* Eyes will respond to light and the ears are reactive to sounds from outside of the uterus.
* Your baby may be able to tell when they are upside down now because their inner ear is completely developed.
* Taste buds begin to form. If mom drinks something strange or bitter, baby may be observed showing his distaste.
* Little creases have appeared on his palms. The muscular coordination of his hands has improved as he sucks his thumb.
* Over the next seven days the sweat glands will be forming in the skin.
* His lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" and cells that produce surfactant, a substance that helps the air sacs inflate easily.
* This week your baby is officially considered viable.
* Baby weighs 1.3 pound (600gm) and is 11.8 inches (30cm) long -- almost the length of a ruler!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Well I'm 23 weeks today, 17 weeks left. (About 119 days, almost down to double digits!!) I can't believe January is about half over. We are busy getting ready for Chloie's birthday party time has been flying. 4 more weeks & i'll be in the last trimester! I really can't believe how fast this has been going and I know it will only go faster! After Chloie's party we will get started on the nursery.
*Fatigue (I thought I'd have more energy the 2nd trimester, not really)
*Slight nesting instincts- I am dying to decorate the nursery, still need everything!
*Feeling a lil dizzy
*Feeling kicks/punches and hiccups
*Seeing my belly move from the outside
*Still have Braxton Hicks Contractions
Claire is probably about a pound or bigger now. She's about the size of a big mango.

* Proportions of the body are now quite similar to a newborn although thinner since he hasn't begun to form body fat.
* His sense of movement is well developed
* Bones located in the middle ear harden.
* Your baby is able to hear. (Dads, did you know: low-frequency sounds mimicking a male voice penetrate the abdomen and uterine wall better than the higher frequencies of the female voice?)
* All the nerve cells are all in place now and will begin to join together to fully form a nervous system.
* Blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare for breathing
* His nostrils will open and the enamel that will cover baby’s teeth is forming.
* The eyes are formed, though the iris still lacks pigmentation.
* The pancreas, essential in the production of hormones, is developing steadily. She has begun producing insulin, important for the breakdown of sugars.
* If born now, your baby has a 15% chance of survival, his odds going up with each passing day.
* The average baby at this stage weighs 1.1 pound (501gm) and is 11.38 inches (28.9cm) long.
*Fatigue (I thought I'd have more energy the 2nd trimester, not really)
*Slight nesting instincts- I am dying to decorate the nursery, still need everything!
*Feeling a lil dizzy
*Feeling kicks/punches and hiccups
*Seeing my belly move from the outside
*Still have Braxton Hicks Contractions
Claire is probably about a pound or bigger now. She's about the size of a big mango.

* Proportions of the body are now quite similar to a newborn although thinner since he hasn't begun to form body fat.
* His sense of movement is well developed
* Bones located in the middle ear harden.
* Your baby is able to hear. (Dads, did you know: low-frequency sounds mimicking a male voice penetrate the abdomen and uterine wall better than the higher frequencies of the female voice?)
* All the nerve cells are all in place now and will begin to join together to fully form a nervous system.
* Blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare for breathing
* His nostrils will open and the enamel that will cover baby’s teeth is forming.
* The eyes are formed, though the iris still lacks pigmentation.
* The pancreas, essential in the production of hormones, is developing steadily. She has begun producing insulin, important for the breakdown of sugars.
* If born now, your baby has a 15% chance of survival, his odds going up with each passing day.
* The average baby at this stage weighs 1.1 pound (501gm) and is 11.38 inches (28.9cm) long.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Tonight Cory finally felt Claire move! I could feel her moving around inside then put hand my hand on my belly and felt her so i called him over and he had the biggest smile on his face! He said he finally got to feel his new baby girl move. Chloie was asleep. Hopefully she will feel her tomorrow on her birthday!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Wow only 18 weeks left, give or take! 5 more weeks till the third trimester! I swear time has never flown so fast before, but I'm not complaining because I am anxiously awaiting to meet this little girl! I can't wait to see who she looks like, what color hair- if she has hair, she will have, what color eyes she'll have, how big or small she'll be, when she'll be born and I cannot wait to hold her! I'm very anxious to see if her and Chloie look alike.
Chloie says she know Claire will look like just like her. She is so excited for her to be here. I can't wait for them to meet each other.
I think Cory is nervous about having 3 girls in the house. He says he his ready though!
I've been extremely tired lately. The dr is going to check at my next appt to see if i am anemic. I can't stay awake and feel exhausted all the time.
She's about the size of a squash, around 11 inches and almost weighing in at about a pound.

* Your baby weighs close to a pound at this point!
* Your baby can now hear your conversations more clearly than before!. When you talk, read, or sing, expect her to hear you. Studies have found that newborns will suck more vigorously when read to from a book they heard frequently in utero.
* Eyelids and eyebrows are fully formed.
* He's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums.
* Fingernails have grown to the end of the fingers.
* His senses are also starting develop.
* Be prepared for all those "Why" questions coming! Your baby's brain has entered a stage of rapid growth, especially in what's called the germinal matrix. This structure deep in the middle of the brain serves as a kind of factory for brain cells and disappears shortly before birth. But the brain's amazing expansion program continues until around the five birthday.
* With some help from mom, baby's liver is starting to break down bilirubin, a substance produced by red blood cells.
* If your baby is male his testes begin their descent to the scrotum.
* Primitive sperm have formed and he is producing testosterone.
* Length is around 10.94 inches (27.8cm); weight is nearly 1 pound (430gm).
Chloie says she know Claire will look like just like her. She is so excited for her to be here. I can't wait for them to meet each other.
I think Cory is nervous about having 3 girls in the house. He says he his ready though!
I've been extremely tired lately. The dr is going to check at my next appt to see if i am anemic. I can't stay awake and feel exhausted all the time.

Week Twenty-Two

* Your baby weighs close to a pound at this point!
* Your baby can now hear your conversations more clearly than before!. When you talk, read, or sing, expect her to hear you. Studies have found that newborns will suck more vigorously when read to from a book they heard frequently in utero.
* Eyelids and eyebrows are fully formed.
* He's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums.
* Fingernails have grown to the end of the fingers.
* His senses are also starting develop.
* Be prepared for all those "Why" questions coming! Your baby's brain has entered a stage of rapid growth, especially in what's called the germinal matrix. This structure deep in the middle of the brain serves as a kind of factory for brain cells and disappears shortly before birth. But the brain's amazing expansion program continues until around the five birthday.
* With some help from mom, baby's liver is starting to break down bilirubin, a substance produced by red blood cells.
* If your baby is male his testes begin their descent to the scrotum.
* Primitive sperm have formed and he is producing testosterone.
* Length is around 10.94 inches (27.8cm); weight is nearly 1 pound (430gm).
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Nursery Stuff
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Decisions, Decisions
We are buying a pack and play and travel system from my dear friend Heather.
You can view them here: Pack n Play Travel System
So Cory thinks the nursery should be pink and brown. I have saw several cute nursery bedding that are pink and brown but i keep going back to the pink and green paisley. Tonight i did stumble upon this pink & brown that i think i'm begining to like. see it here:
Pink Brown Bedding
You can view them here: Pack n Play Travel System
So Cory thinks the nursery should be pink and brown. I have saw several cute nursery bedding that are pink and brown but i keep going back to the pink and green paisley. Tonight i did stumble upon this pink & brown that i think i'm begining to like. see it here:
Pink Brown Bedding
Friday, January 2, 2009
We have a name!!!
We have a name!!!
I think we have all 3 finally agreed on a name! Our new little princess name is
Claire Madison Chesser!
I think we have all 3 finally agreed on a name! Our new little princess name is
Claire Madison Chesser!
21 weeks
Only 19 more to go! Time is flying too fast!
I go back to the dr on Jan 27th to have my monthly check up and Gestational Diabetes test.
I am feeling pretty good. Just getting tired more easily and having crazy dreams. We are going ot go do some Baby Registering today at Target and Babies R Us.
Baby Chesser is currently the length of a carrot -- weighs about 3/4 of a pound. (Length: 10 1/2 inches, head to heel.)

Baby at 21wks

*your baby's eyebrows and lids are present now
* White blood cells are under production. Leukocytes (or white blood cells) form our body's defense sytems. They help fight infections and diseases.
* Rapid eye movements begin at twenty-one weeks (a key component to any healthy baby’s sleep schedule)
* Baby can hear when you talk or sing to them now.
* Your little one's skin has changed from translucent to become more opaque.
* Your infant's tongue is fully formed. If you were able to peek you might catch your son or daughter practicing giving you a raspberry!
* Baby swallows more this week. After your baby takes in amniotic fluid, his body absorbs the water in the liquid and moves the rest into the large bowel. This is good practice for his digestive system!
* Wake and sleep periods become more consistent. Some research suggests that baby sets her internal clock to match the outside world's even before birth! Your eating and sleeping habits as well levels of light and noise serve as her signals.
* Length is now measured crown to heel.
* Baby measures about 10.51 inches (26.7cm) and weighs nearly 12.7 ounces (360g).
I go back to the dr on Jan 27th to have my monthly check up and Gestational Diabetes test.
I am feeling pretty good. Just getting tired more easily and having crazy dreams. We are going ot go do some Baby Registering today at Target and Babies R Us.
Baby Chesser is currently the length of a carrot -- weighs about 3/4 of a pound. (Length: 10 1/2 inches, head to heel.)

Baby at 21wks

*your baby's eyebrows and lids are present now
* White blood cells are under production. Leukocytes (or white blood cells) form our body's defense sytems. They help fight infections and diseases.
* Rapid eye movements begin at twenty-one weeks (a key component to any healthy baby’s sleep schedule)
* Baby can hear when you talk or sing to them now.
* Your little one's skin has changed from translucent to become more opaque.
* Your infant's tongue is fully formed. If you were able to peek you might catch your son or daughter practicing giving you a raspberry!
* Baby swallows more this week. After your baby takes in amniotic fluid, his body absorbs the water in the liquid and moves the rest into the large bowel. This is good practice for his digestive system!
* Wake and sleep periods become more consistent. Some research suggests that baby sets her internal clock to match the outside world's even before birth! Your eating and sleeping habits as well levels of light and noise serve as her signals.
* Length is now measured crown to heel.
* Baby measures about 10.51 inches (26.7cm) and weighs nearly 12.7 ounces (360g).
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